Our fashion show

  • Drucken

Hello and welcome to our fashion show. We want to show you

"special fashion". Please, welcome our first model. His name is Justin. He's wearing a nice "milk shirt". We made this "milk shirt" out of nine milk bottles. The "milk shirt" is lovely, isn't it? It's very pretty. Wow, that was a nice "milk shirt".

Next in our show is Christian. He’s wearing some pretty trousers. We made them out of a kitchen folio. Look at these pretty folio trousers. They match perfectly to the folio shoes.

Next in our show is our designer Lukas. He’s wearing a nice bin bag outfit. We made it out of a bin bag. Doesn’t he look pretty?

Wow, that was an amazing fashion show. Thank you for your attention.

Weitere fantastische Models findet Ihr in der Bildergalerie!